課程名稱(中文) |
政治哲學 |
課程名稱(英文) |
Political Philosophy |
授 課 教 師 |
謝世民 |
修 別 |
□必修 □選修 |
課 碼 |
1257108 |
學分數 |
3 |
教 學 目 標 |
This course offers a comprehensive survey of the main topics in contemporary political philosophy. In the end of this course, students will be familiar with the analyses, techniques and methods developed by contemporary political philosophers in the attempt to deepen our understanding of certain fundamental values and concepts, such as distributive justice, democracy, liberty, neutrality, equality, rule of law, legitimacy, authority, power, rights, etc. Anyone who is interested in writing a thesis in the areas of moral, political, or legal philosophy is strongly recommended to take this course.
授 課 綱 要
The class will meet once a week for three hours. I will lecture on the chosen topic and engage you in conversation to make sure that you understand what is going on. If necessary, we may spend one hour reading the assigned text so as to improve your ability in dealing with philosophical prose.
課 程 進 度 |
The course is organized by five topics, each of which will take roughly four weeks.
Topic One: Authority and Political Obligation
Topic Two: Liberty and Personal Rights
Topic Three: Distributive Justice
Topic Four: Democracy
教 科 書 及 參 考 書 目 |
評 量 方 式 |
課堂出席與發言:20% 作業(閱讀材料摘要寫作):30% 期末論文(至少7000字以上)一篇:50%
課堂出席與發言:20% 作業(閱讀材料摘要寫作):30% 期末論文(至少10000字以上)一篇:50%
備 註 |
一、選修課程請勾選隸屬領域:□形上學□知識論□倫理學與法政哲學□心靈與語言哲學□科學史與科學哲學□數理邏輯與哲學邏輯□古典與當代重要哲學家(或專題) 二、請於授課大綱中註明碩士班及博士班評量方式,謝謝。 |
課程名稱(中文) |
政治哲學 |
課程名稱(英文) |
Political Philosophy |
授 課 教 師 |
謝世民 |
修 別 |
□必修 □選修 |
課 碼 |
1257108 |
學分數 |
3 |
教 學 目 標 |
This course offers a comprehensive survey of the main topics in contemporary political philosophy. In the end of this course, students will be familiar with the analyses, techniques and methods developed by contemporary political philosophers in the attempt to deepen our understanding of certain fundamental values and concepts, such as distributive justice, democracy, liberty, neutrality, equality, rule of law, legitimacy, authority, power, rights, etc. Anyone who is interested in writing a thesis in the areas of moral, political, or legal philosophy is strongly recommended to take this course.
授 課 綱 要
The class will meet once a week for three hours. I will lecture on the chosen topic and engage you in conversation to make sure that you understand what is going on. If necessary, we may spend one hour reading the assigned text so as to improve your ability in dealing with philosophical prose.
課 程 進 度 |
The course is organized by five topics, each of which will take roughly four weeks.
Topic One: Authority and Political Obligation
1. Robert P. Wolff, “The Conflict between Authority and Autonomy,” in Authority, ed., Joseph Raz (Blackwell Publishers, 1990), chap. 1; 2. A. John Simmons, Moral Principles and Political Obligations (Princeton University Press, 1979), chap. 3, 4, 5; 3. Joseph Raz, “Authority and Justification” and “Political Authority of the Sate” in Morality of Freedom (Oxford University Press, 1986); 4. Ronald Dworkin, “Obligations of Community” in Law’s Empire (Harvard University Press, 1986); 5. Leslie Green, “Commitment and Community” in Authority, ed., Joseph Raz (Blackwell Publishers, 1990), chap. 10.
Topic Two: Liberty and Personal Rights
1. Isaiah Berlin, “Two Concepts of Liberty,” in Four Essays on Liberty. 2. Ronald Dworkin, “Liberal Community” California Law Review, v, 1989. 3. Thomas M. Scanlon, Jr. , “Freedom of Expression and Categories of Expression,” in University of Pittsburgh Law Review, 40 (1979): 519-550; 4. Ronald Dworkin, “Do We have a Right to Pornography?” in A Matter of Principle; 5. Ronald Dworkin, “What is Equality? Part 3: The Place of Liberty,” in Iowa Law Review, vol. 73, 1 (1987): 1-54.
Topic Three: Distributive Justice
1. Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Basic Books, 1974), chap. 7; 2. Ronald Dworkin, “What is Equality? Part 2: Equality of Resources,” in Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. 10 , 4 (1981): 283-345; 3. John Rawls, [A Theory of Justice] 4. John Rawls, [Political Liberalism]
Topic Four: Democracy
1. Amy Gutmann, “Democracy,” A Companion to Political Philosophy, ed. Robert E. Goodin and Philip Pettit (Blackwell, 1993), pp. 411-421; 2. Michael Walzer, “Philosophy and Democracy,” in Political Theory, vol. 9, 3, (August, 1981): 379-399; 3. Ronald Dworkin, “What is Equality? Part 4: Political Equality,” in University of San Francisco Law Review, vol. 22, 1, (1988): 1-30; 4. Joshua Cohen, “Deliberation and Democratic Legitimacy," in The Good Polity, ed. Alan Hamlin and Philip Pettit (Blackwell Publishers, 1989): 17-34; 5. Amy Guttmann and Dennis Thompson, “Moral Conflict and Political Consensus,” in Ethics, 100, (October, 1990): 64-88. |
教 科 書 及 參 考 書 目 |
評 量 方 式 |
課堂出席與發言:20% 作業(閱讀材料摘要寫作):30% 期末論文(至少7000字以上)一篇:50%
課堂出席與發言:20% 作業(閱讀材料摘要寫作):30% 期末論文(至少10000字以上)一篇:50%
備 註 |
一、選修課程請勾選隸屬領域:□形上學□知識論□倫理學與法政哲學□心靈與語言哲學□科學史與科學哲學□數理邏輯與哲學邏輯□古典與當代重要哲學家(或專題) 二、請於授課大綱中註明碩士班及博士班評量方式,謝謝。 |