中正哲學講座 第6場:Analogical reasoning in 17th and 18th science講座
開始:06/19/2010 - 14:30
結束:06/19/2010 - 17:00
地點: 中正大學文學院哲學系 412 研討室
主講人: Prof. Alexandre Guay, UFR sciences et techniques, Université de Bourgogne
Analogical reasoning in 17th and 18th science
The object of this paper is to look at the extent and nature of uses of analogy during the first century following the so-called scientific revolution. Using the research tool provided by JSTOR we systematically analyze the uses of “analog” and its cognates (analogies, analogous, etc) in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London for the period 1665-1780. In addition to giving the possibility of evaluating quantitatively the proportion of papers explicitly using analogies, this approach makes it possible to go beyond the maybe idiosyncratic cases of Descartes, Kepler or Galileo and other much studied giants of the so-called Scientific Revolution. As a result a classification of types of use is proposed. Correlations between types of use and research fields are also established. In this paper we are less interested in discussing the “real nature” or “essence” or even the cognitive limitations of analogical thinking than in describing its various uses and different meanings as they changed over the course of a century.
主辦單位: 中正大學哲學系暨研究所